A Walk in the Woods (ongoing) is a series of images taken in the same spot of our town forest over the course of many years. Every time I come, I am reminded of precious moments spent here with my two young sons and first dog. The midway point on a two mile trek through the woods, it was the perfect spot to stop for a rest, and an opportunity for my baseball loving boys to try to throw pebbles into the big curved pipe mysteriously coming out of the lily pond. I can still hear the ping, ping, ping of the misses and the cheers of celebration when one finally hits the mark.
Today, the pipe is long gone, the boys have grown up and two new dogs accompany me, but the memories remain along with the abandoned foundation and iron “lamp”. The scene is different every time - moss grows, branches fall, spiders visit. Colors change with the seasons, the pond floods, freezes or disappears in drought. My dogs wait patiently while I try to capture the moment, then remind me it is time to move on.